RAMSUN Network is an e-marketplace for Supply Chain Finance and other Supply Chain related solutions which enables the expertise and technology-based solution to access easier & faster financing for business.
SME sector in India faces lot of difficulties in finding competitive & timely finance which impacts its growth to large extent. Long & cumbersome processes to get financing becomes a business challenge for SME businesses who contribute a big share in country’s GDP and Employment and has lot more potential to add value to the country’s economy.
Our aim at RAMSUN Network is to help SMEs to get access to better financing alternatives for their working capital management by enabling them to be part of Supply Chain Finance solutions. By this, it helps them to unlock their money tied up in their supply chain and to grow their business faster with availability of fund liquidity.
To be a trusted, leading global marketplace for enterprises for supply chain solutions to fulfill their business finance requirements more efficiently
To be an innovative, reliable and secured digital platform enabling the enterprises across the globe to access the best available digital supply chain solutions while they focus on growth of their core business
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