Vendor Payment Management

Comprehensive Solution for Vendor Payment Management

At present, Corporates pays to its Suppliers through various methods such as:

  • Through TReDS platforms for MSME suppliers
  • Direct Payment through multiple bank account to MSME suppliers if not financed on TReDS platforms
  • Through Financial institutions to its MSME and/or Non-MSME Suppliers if Supply chain solutions are taken
  • Direct Payment through multiple bank account to its Non-MSME suppliers if no supply chain solution is obtained
  • Obtaining Working Capital line and then paying its vendors by using the same

The problem Corporates face is multi-facet access to various channels such as TReDS, multiple financial institutions or its multiple banks accounts accessing various banking portals (as limited corporates are having ERP H2H banking facility). Integration with these all portals eases the process however leads to multiple integration resulting in high cost and time efforts.

What RAMSUN Network offers?

RAMSUN Network offers single integration approach for entire vendor payment management as below and provides a comprehensive digital solution as One stop platform. If Enterprise is integrated with RAMSUN network, it helps in below:

  • Easy onward integration with TReDS platform
  • Integration with various banking portals for direct payment using Open Banking API giving experience of H2H banking for various banks from single platform

Registration starting soon for Enterprises

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